Korean Anthropology Review (KAR) seeks high-quality English translations of anthropological articles originally published in Korean-language academic journals with KCI or SCOPUS rankings. While authors are responsible for translation expenses, KAR will provide copyediting and proofreading services, as well as cover all printing and distribution costs.
We welcome translations of articles on any anthropological topic, including those unrelated to Korea, regardless of their original publication date, as long as the content remains relevant to contemporary anthropologists. Our primary criteria are intellectual rigor and the potential to expand scholarly understanding across linguistic and cultural boundaries
Please note that machine translations are unlikely to meet our quality standards, and submissions requiring revisions beyond minor copyediting cannot be accepted.
To ensure your translation aligns with KAR's objectives and to receive detailed guidelines on translation specifications, we encourage potential contributors to contact our Editorial Team at kanthroreview@snu.ac.kr. We are also prepared to recommend professional translators who can assist in preparing high-quality submissions that meet our scholarly standards.
Korean Anthropology Review (KAR) seeks original research articles focused on both traditional and emerging topics related to the anthropology of Korea
For details, please contact Dr. Bonnie Tilland, KAR’s Co-editor responsible for original research articles, at bonnie.tilland@gmail.com and cc at kanthroreview@snu.ac.kr.
Korean Anthropology Review (KAR) invites scholars to submit English-language reviews of anthropology-related books originally published in Korean. We welcome both single-book and comparative multi-book review essays, with manuscripts ranging from 800 to 1,500 words and adhering to KAR's editorial style guidelines.
To avoid duplicate efforts, we ask potential reviewers to contact our editorial team prior to writing their review. For inquiries and preliminary consultation, email the Editorial Team at kanthroreview@snu.ac.kr.